Campus Resources
- The CARE Center (Campus Assault Response and Education)
- Monday - Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm
- Confidential, compassionate support and resources by a staff member
- Call 925-631-4193 or email Megan Gallagher at to schedule a virtual appointment.
- SMC 24/7 CARE Line (Campus Assault Response and Education) Line
- Anonymous support and information
- 24 hours a day/7 days per week during the academic year (Fall coverage dates: 8/29/22 - 12/10/22)
- Call or text - (925) 878-9207
- Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
- (925) 631-4364, Augustine Hall, Ground Floor
- Mission and Ministry Center
- (925) 631-4366, Korth 1 (right of Chapel)
- Campus Safety
- (925) 631-4282, Assumption Hall West
- Center for Women and Gender Equity
- (925) 631 - 4192, Augustine Hall, Ground Floor
- Student Disability Services
- (925) 631 - 4358, Filippi Academic Hall/Kalmanovitz School of Education Building in Suite 190
- Essential Needs Program
- Title IX Support and Compliance Office
- Campus Recreation